Identify improvement opportunities

Customers are attracted to lower prices, higher quality and better delivery mechanisms. They are continuously on the watch to obtain value from products and services- created by the cooperative efforts and resources of the companies they buy from. For companies this means candid evaluation of their value streams if they are effectively and efficiently providing value for their Customers.

Eureka looks at Customer organizations like people and helps them review if their value streams are only producing value. Waste Elimination is a must in an ever changing, customer centric operation and lays a solid foundation to all improvement endeavours. For creating value, Eureka conducts extensive process mapping and analysis of your product family to uncover;

  • Wasteful practices
  • Reworks
  • Bottlenecks
  • Duplications
  • Redundant steps
  • Delays
  • Gaps
  • People & technological issues
Mura, Mura and Muda (known as the 3M's) collectively describe wasteful practices in organizations that need to be eliminated

By helping our clients focusing and improving more on broken, inefficient and defective processes; we have enabled them to be more agile, productive, and efficient.

We're recognized leaders in Lean implementation, and a one stop for all your process, technology and people related solutions.

Contact us to know how you can maximize uninterrupted supply of value to your customer.